Invited presentations and symposia
- Hernández-Alcaraz, C., Resendiz, E., Jáuregui, A., Salvo, D. Engaging local decision makers to join the 1000 Cities Challenge in Mexico. In Salvo, D. (Chair), The 1000 Cities Challenge: Scaling Up the Global Observatory of Healthy and Sustainable Cities. The International Society of Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) 10th Congress, Paris, France. (Invited Symposium Presentation).
- Anna Puig-Ribera, Xavier Delclòs-Alió, Marc Domínguez-Mallafré, Ana Queralt, Javier Molina-García, (2024). Using evidence-based urban indicators and open science to promote active and sustainable cities in Spain. In Salvo, D. (Chair), The 1000 Cities Challenge: Scaling Up the Global Observatory of Healthy and Sustainable Cities. The International Society of Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) 10th Congress, Paris, France. (Invited Symposium Presentation)
- Boeing, G., Higgs, C., Liu, S., Heikinheimo, V., Giles-Corti, B., Sallis, J., Cerin, E., Lowe, M., Adlakha, D., Hinckson, E., Vernez Moudon, A., Salvo, D., Resendiz, E., Arundel, J. Analytics and Tools to Calculate Spatial Indicators of Healthy and Sustainable Cities for the 1000 Cities Challenge. In Salvo, D. (Chair), The 1000 Cities Challenge: Scaling Up the Global Observatory of Healthy and Sustainable Cities. The International Society of Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) 10th Congress, Paris, France. (Invited Symposium Presentation)
- Lowe, M., Adlakha, D., Sallis, J., Salvo, D., Resendiz, E., Cerin, E., Vernez Moudon, A., Higgs, C., Hinckson, E., Arundel, J., Boeing, G., Liu, S., Heikinheimo, V., Giles-Corti, B. Policy indicators of healthy and sustainable urban design and planning for the 1000 Cities Challenge. In Salvo, D. (Chair), The 1000 Cities Challenge: Scaling Up the Global Observatory of Healthy and Sustainable Cities. The International Society of Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) 10th Congress, Paris, France. (Invited Symposium Presentation)
- Lowe M. (2024). Developing indicators to support healthy, climate resilient cities, AXA Research Fund, Paris, France, 29 October.
- Sallis, J and Salvo, D. (2024). Developing and Scaling Up a Global Monitoring System for Healthy and Sustainable Cities. The Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living School of Public Health, UTHealth, Houston, USA. 03 September.
- Lowe, M., (2024). From down under to around the globe: A vision for healthier cities, Podcast recording for Healthy Neighbourhoods, Healthy Nation podcast, USA,.
- Higgs C (2024) Urban spatial inequities and the social determinants of health. Guest Lecture Human Geography undergraduate course. RMIT University. 16 September 2024. Invited lecture.
- Boeing, G. “Spatial Analytics to Benchmark and Monitor Healthy and Sustainable Cities.” Exploring the Research Opportunities from the Intersection of Advancing Planetary Health and Cardiovascular Disease: Improving Human Health. Hosted by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Dec 14–15, 2023. Symposia
- Sallis, J.F. “Indicators for healthy and sustainable cities: Scaling-up evidence-informed policies.” World Health Cities Forum. Incheon, Korea. November 23, 2023. Invited presentation
- Sallis, J.F. “International evidence on built environments and physical activity: Translating evidence to policy with the 1000 Cities Challenge.” AURI (Architecture and Urban Research Institute). Sejong, Korea. November 27, 2023. Lecture for AURI staff. Invited presentation
- Boeing, G. “The 1,000 Cities Challenge.” Cities, Form, Environmental Exposures, and Health Impacts. Hosted by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health. Sitges, Spain. Oct 24–25, 2023. Symposia
- Boeing, G. “Measuring Built Environments around the World: New Insights into Urban Sustainability and Health.” Tech in the City Speaker Series. Center for Urban and Regional Analysis, The Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio. Feb 10, 2023. Invited presentation
- Boeing, G. “Urban Informatics for Transport: Measuring Networks and Access around the World.” University Consortium for Geographic Information Science. Washington, DC. Feb 17, 2023. Invited presentation
- Adlakha, D. & Sallis, J.F. (2023). “Placemaking: City design for public health” Sponsored by Bawtaqah Foundation and Hayy Jameel. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. February 4, 2023. Invited presentation
- Adlakha, D. & Sallis, J.F. (2023). “Built environments, physical activity, and heath: International evidence and its translation to policy and practice.” Public lecture organized by Bawtaqah Foundation. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. January 28, 2023. Invited presentation
- Higgs C (2023) Data governance and visualisation for spatial indicators of healthy and sustainable cities. 5th International Workshop on Urban Data Visualization (CityVis). IEEE VIS 2023 Conference, Melbourne. 22 October 2023. Invited presentation.
- Higgs C (2023) International Society for Urban Health (ISUH) Accelerating City Equity (ACE) project Oceania working group workshops. 11th International Conference on Urban Climate. UNSW, Sydney. 28 August - 1 September 2023. Invited presentation.
- Higgs C (2023) Urban inequalities and health. Human Geography undergraduate course. RMIT University. 23 August 2023. Invited lecture.
- Higgs C (2023) Open Scholarship at RMIT: Library Research Spotlight, RMIT Library Research Spotlight series. 16 August 2023. Invited presentation and panelist.
- Higgs C, Boeing G, Liu S, Arundel J, Giles-Corti B, Sallis JF, Cerin E, Lowe M, Adlakha D, Hinckson E, Moudon AV, Salvo D (2022) Using open data and open-source software to develop spatial indicators of urban design and transport features for achieving healthy and sustainable cities in diverse global contexts. Urban Transitions 2022 Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain. 10 November 2022. Conference presentation.
- Higgs C (2022) Using open data and open-source software to develop spatial indicators of urban design and transport features to assess whether cities are healthy, sustainable and equitable. In Symposium: Are urban design and transport policies creating healthy, sustainable equitable cities across the world? Global Healthy and Sustainable City-Indicators Study Collaboration. International Conference on Urban Health, Valencia. 26 October 2022. Invited presentation.
- Higgs C (2022) Bright Spot Deeper Dive: Healthy Liveable Cities Liveability Indicators Research Programme. International Society for Urban Health Achieving City Equity project Oceania Working Group Meeting. 18 October 2022. Invited presentation.
- Higgs C (2022) Spatial Indicators of Urban Liveability and Sustainability: local to global. Guest lecture for 'Global Environmental Change: Disasters, Disease and Sustainability' theme of Human Geography undergraduate course. RMIT University. 3 October 2022. Invited lecture.
- Higgs C (2022) Adelaide Healthy and Sustainable City Indicators Report: Spatial indicators of urban design and transport features. The Lancet Global Health Series on urban design, transport and health – Launch Event (Adelaide). Wellbeing SA. 20 September 2022. Invited presentation.
- Higgs C (2022) Making a difference with spatial urban indicators: from local to global. Presentation to SA Health. 20 September 2022. Invited presentation.
- Sallis, J.F. “Healthy and sustainable cities. Physical Activity and Public Health Researcher Course.” Sponsored by CDC. University of South Carolina. Columbia, SC. September 16, 2022. Invited presentation
- Boeing, G. “Measuring Healthy, Sustainable Cities: Global Urban Indicators from Open Data.” World Planning Schools Congress. Nusa Dua, Indonesia. Aug 29–Sep 2, 2022. Conference presentation
- Higgs C, Boeing G, Liu S, Arundel J, Giles-Corti B, Sallis JF, Cerin E, Lowe M, Adlakha D, Hinckson E, Moudon AV, Salvo D (2022) Spatial indicators of urban design and transport features for achieving healthy and sustainable cities: a 25-city study. 17 June 2022. Planetary Futures of Health and Wellbeing, Turku, Finland [online]. Conference presentation.
- Boeing, G. “Street Network Models and Indicators for Every Urban Area in the World.” National University of Singapore, Department of Real Estate seminar series. Singapore. Mar 14, 2022. Invited presentation
- Higgs C (2021) Spatial indicators of urban liveability: scaling from local to global. Lecture. Postgraduate Course in Urban Planning and Health: Urban Planning as a Health Tool. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña · Barcelona Tech – UPC (online). 3 December 2021. Invited lecture.
- Lowe, M, Adlahka D, Giles-Corti B, Cerin E, Higgs C, Liu S, Salvo D (2021) Urban policy to create healthy and sustainable cities: Evaluating and comparing Australasian cities in a global context. 2021 State of Australasian Cities (SOAC) Conference: Melbourne, Australia. November 2021. Conference presentation.
- Higgs C, Rozek J, Alderton A, Giles-Corti B et al (2021) Calculation of policy-relevant spatial indicators of urban liveability: Experiences of scaling a research programme from local to global. 2021 State of Australasian Cities (SOAC) Conference: Melbourne, Australia. November 2021. Conference presentation.
- Boeing, G. “Urban Morphology and Street Network Science.” University of Cincinnati, Department of Geography. Cincinnati, Ohio. Oct 15, 2021. Invited presentation
- Boeing, G. “Street Network Science and New Urban Data.” Cornell University, Tech Campus. Urban Data guest lecture. New York, New York. Oct 13, 2021. Invited presentation
- Higgs C and the Global Healthy Liveable Cities Collaborators (2021) Estimating population access to built environment features across global cities: data, methods and some findings. Centre for Urban Research Seminar Series. RMIT University: Melbourne, Australia. May 2021. Invited presentation.
- Boeing, G. “Street Networks and the Evolving Urban Structure.” CEMFI Empirical Microeconomics seminar series. Madrid, Spain. Apr 8, 2021. Invited presentation
- Boeing, G. “Street Network Models and Indicators for Every Urban Area in the World.” University of Bristol and Newcastle University Centre for Data. Spatial Analytics and Data seminar series. Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Jan 26, 2021. Invited presentation
- Boeing, G. “Street Network Models and Indicators for Every Urban Area in the World.” Asian Institute of Management. The Science of Data seminar series. Makati, Philippines. Oct 26, 2020. Invited presentation
- Higgs C, Badland H, Giles-Corti B, Simons K (2020) Urban liveability: a social determinants of health perspective on walkability. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 2020 Conference invited presentation and discussion for symposium ‘S.3.39 How can research help deliver more walkable streets?’. Auckland, New Zealand (virtual session, international). June 2020.
Conference Presentations
- Lowe, M., Higgs, C., Boeing, G., Delclòs Alió, X., Queralt, A., Heikinheimo, V., Resendiz, E., Adlakha, D., Giles-Corti, B., Cerin, E., Sallis, J., Vernez Moudon, A., Arundel, J., Liu, S., Schipperijn, J., Salvo, D. 1000 Cities Challenge workshop: Calculating policy and spatial indicators of healthy and sustainable cities. Urban Transitions Conference. Sitges, Spain. (Oral presentation)
- Melanie Lowe, Ryan Turner, Carl Higgs, Eugen Resendiz, Daria Pugacheva, Ruoyu Chen, Vuokko Heikinheimo, Shiqin Liu, Deepti Adlakha, Atefeh Soleimani Roudi, Case Garza, Rossano Schifanella, Ruth Hunter, Joanna Valson, Giavani Longo Rosa, Javier Molina-Garcfa, Ana Queralt, Pau Serra del Pozo, Mahtab Baghaiepoor, Global Healthy and Sustainable City-Indicators Collaboration (2024). Developing and testing open-access urban green space policy and spatial indicators for cities internationally, Urban Transitions Conference 2024, Sitges, Spain, 5 November.
- Ruth M. Mabry, Amal Al Siyabi, Huda Al Siyabi, Gustavo de Siqueira and Melanie Lowe (2024). Urban design, transport and health: does Oman meet evidence-based standards? The International Society of Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) 10th Congress, Paris, France, 29 October.
- Ana Luiza Favarão Leão, Milena Franco Silva, Raul Gierbolini-Rivera, Courtney Shaw, Áine O'Connor, Eugen Resendiz, Melanie Lowe, Rodrigo Siqueira Reis, Deborah Salvo (2024). Assessing liveability in St Louis City through spatial and policy analysis, 8th Healthy City Design 2024 Congress, Liverpool, UK, 16 October
Other presentations
The World Bank used some of our recent findings and data in their “Enablers of Inclusive Cities” report with the G20 India Presidency. Nice evidence of our work’s impact: